Here are some of the first photos from the bike trip that lasted nearly the whole month of
August in 2007. We started out in Prague, CZ. From there we took a train 100 km south
to Tabor where we started the actual biking. The entire trip was about 800 km on bike, and some more by train. Take a look at the photos below. Realize as well that Michaela had not been on a bike in about 14 years up to this point, yet she was still able to complete a one month long journey on bike and will a full load of gear strapped on. She sure made me proud before during and after this trip. Strange enough, during the cold winter in Prague, we even began to talk of doing another bike trip the next summer, and she was super excited about that possibility too. So I guess she really did enjoy it after all. Although there were definitely some moments where she wanted to abandon the whole trip, but that was pretty much just the first few days.

Below is the farmer we bought .5 liter of honey from. Best honey ever, much better than from whole foods. He had a little sign on the road...
Giant soon to be blackberries. They start out red...
Above is Michaela eating at our first lunch in Cucov. There was a couple of benches next to a farm, so we made good use. Her mom Alena made up a whole bunch of Rizek, which is fried and breaded pork or chicken, and it tastes really good with some Czech bread. I am pretty sure that both of us ate way too much, but either way it was super tasty. It became on of those foods that I would eat about once or twice a week for the next year. Nearly every restaurant has it to offer. Although, it is rarely as good as the stuff her mom hooked up for us on the bike trip.
Michaela searching for a nap next to the road.
Below is Michaelas aunt, Jirina, who has been so nice to take us in for a few days while we rest. This was the morning of August 7th. All kinds of goodies to eat right when you wake up. Great food all over this country