February 1, 2008 Go-Carting Party With Work
So here is the deal, since our office in Prague past a sales goal for the month of January, we all were able to go carting as a celebration. And it was a serious thrill riding the Czech carts. Much different than the American go cart deals I am used to. For instance, the carts go 70 km/hr max speed, no liability waivers, no seat belts, not much protection, drinking in the pub/restaurant before during and after carting is expected should give you an idea.
We all left the office in Prague at 6:30 pm after work on Friday and took several taxis about twenty minutes outside of the city. Still not sure where the place is/was, but the actual tracks were inside and you can race up to 12 people for each race. The race lasts about ten minutes, which means you get around the track about 4-5 times if you are moving quick. There are some serious 90 degree turns, and nearly the entire time you can hear tires peeling out all around, as the track allows a serious slide when hitting turns at high speed. It was a great thrill, passing up your co-worker after they just spun out and stopped against the side is hard to beat.

Anna and I, pretty sure I passed her 10 times, she was scared of the gas pedal...
Anatoli with Fearless leader Julia
L-R Boyan, Augusto, Jaro, Mike, Anatoli
Pre Race announcement by Maria
Zdravko figuring out helmet